SNIC Compute Medium

MEDIUM allocations are available via an annual round (1 January - 31 December). The round closes for new applications prior to the last allocation meeting of the year, and at the same time the corresponding round for the following year opens. MEDIUM allocations can be requested at any time via SUPR.

MEDIUM allocations are normally not granted for projects that have a LARGE allocation.

This category is for allocations up to a maximum size (e.g. core-hours/month), which differs between resources. The limits and the total amount of capacity available are shown in SUPR. The total size of all MEDIUM allocations granted to you may at most amount to 100%. For example, 30% of the maximum size of a MEDIUM allocation of one resource and 70% of the maximum size of a MEDIUM allocation of another resource.

Proposals for nationally allocated resources available to the reviewers by the 15th should be reviewed and decided during that month. The cut-off date for any addenda or corrigenda is the 20th. In conjunction with major holidays, the schedule may deviate.

The following SNIC resources are available for MEDIUM allocations:

How to apply for MEDIUM allocations

Please begin by reading the general information on how to apply for allocations on SNIC resources, where information about e.g. eligibility, how to fill in the mandatory Activity report, and acknowledging SNIC is provided.

Go to the application form

MEDIUM allocations are subject to technical evaluation.

Last modified: 2023-02-07