SNIC Large Storage

Calls for LARGE allocations are issued bi-annually by SNIC. The allocation periods start 1 July and 1 January for a 6- or 12-month period. The SNIC Large Storage Fall 2022 call was open through 14 October 2022 at 15:00 CEST. The next call is scheduled for the spring of 2023.

SNIC provides Swedish research with large-scale compute and storage resources. The current SNIC organisation, organised as the SNIC consortium, is only financed through 2022 before being defunded by a decision of the Swedish Research Council. Thus, current SNIC calls and allocations stretching into 2023 are contingent on the Swedish Research Council financing current SNIC resources during 2023. We anticipate a formal assurance that SNIC resources will be made nationally available into 2023. However, there is a small risk that if such guarantees are not provided by Swedish Research Council, allocations beyond 2022 may be reduced.

The following SNIC resources are available in the call SNIC Large Storage, Fall 2022 (period 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023). These resources are attached to their respective compute cluster, except Swestore which is a distributed storage resource. The limits and the total amount of capacity available are shown in SUPR.

Resource Affiliated resource
Cephyr NOBACKUP Alvis
Mimer Alvis
NSC Centre Storage Tetralith
Klemming Dardel
Crex 1 Rackham
dCache Swestore

Please begin by reading the general information on how to apply for allocations on SNIC resources, where information about e.g. eligibility and how to fill in the mandatory appendices below is provided.

Go to the application form

In addition to the application form, the application must include the following appendices that must be submitted electronically through the upload facility in the online proposal submission system.

1. CV of the PI - principal investigator (Maximum 2 pages.)

2. Publication list of the principal investigator

3. SNIC Project Description (Maximum 5 pages.)

4. Activity report (Maximum 8 pages.)

Large allocations are subject to scientific and technical evaluation.

Last modified: 2022-11-09